How to Fix a Slice in Golf?

Hey golfers! Ever struggled with a golf slice? You are not alone. From weekend warriors to seasoned pros, many golfers suffer from this issue. For right-handed golfers, that annoying bend to the right may transform a great drive into a disappointing search for your ball in the rough. Still, correcting a slice is quite doable. We will solve the mystery of what a golf slice is and the difficulties you can run against trying to correct it and then I will provide you 7 easy ways to fix that slice in almost no time. Let's get started.

What Is Slicing in Golf & Why Is It Hard to Fix?

When the ball spins sideways, a slice results from its sharp right-curving action. The curve for left-handed golfers will run to the left. The open (pointing to the right of your target) clubface at impact generates this spin. Fixing a slice can be difficult since it usually requires many elements, from your grip and stance to your swing path. It's more of a whole strategy than one thing you change. Though it requires patience and practice, occasionally even little changes can have a significant impact.

7 Steps to Fix Slice in 5 Minutes

Are you now ready to cut that slice and aim straighter? These seven basic steps will help you to correct your golf slice:

  1. Grip it right: 

An open clubface might result from a weak grip, which shows more knuckles on your left hand. Try strengthening your grip slightly (more knuckles visible) which helps square the clubface at impact.

  1. Stance check: 

Make sure your feet are aligned correctly. If your stance is aimed too far to the right, you will naturally swing across the ball, creating that slice spin. Align yourself slightly left of your target.

  1. Swing path correction: 

An "out-to-in" swing path is the most common cause of a slice. Imagine swinging along a train track, you want your club to travel more "in-to-out", or along the rails, rather than across them.

  1. Clubface awareness: 

Focus on maintaining the clubface square at impact. This takes practice, but drills that emphasize feeling the clubface position can be helpful.

  1. Release the club: 

Let the clubhead release naturally by impact. Many slicers hold on too tightly, which keeps the club from turning correctly and results in an open face.

  1. Practice makes perfect:

You cannot expect to correct your slice overnight. Regular range practice with an eye toward these processes will progressively retrain your muscle memory and enhance your swing.

  1. Get professional help: 

If you still find difficulty using these ideas, get professional help. They can examine your swing and provide specific feedback.

Do you know 🤔: What is Slope Rating in Golf?


So there you have it. Seven easy moves to grab the golf slice. Remember, fixing a slice is a journey not a sprint. Celebrate little achievements, treat yourself patiently and don't hesitate to experiment. In no time you will be striking straighter, more forceful shots with constant effort. Leave the slicing behind and welcome a more fun round of golf. Remember, correcting your golf slicing is quite doable; these steps will help you on your way.

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Fix your grip, align your stance, and swing inside-out to straighten your shots.

A weak grip, open clubface, or outside-in swing path causes a slice.

Use a stronger grip by rotating your hands slightly right (for right-handers).